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On display in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+3Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: displaydisputeplayplayerplayoffconditionconditionsplay with
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61. Benner's works will be on display through Feb. 15 at the Berman Gallery.
62. This was then driven to the site and put on display for all to see.
63. The bears and the buffalo jumped overboard; at least one bear was recaptured and put on display.
64. Most of them have a collection of owls and other birds on display to the public.
65. I arrived at Annat in the early afternoon and was disappointed not to find any offers of refreshment on display.
66. That facility is now a public museum where more than 1, 500 sculptures and thousands of drawings are on display.
67. At the same time, just down the street, Loomas' baskets and masks will go on display at City Hall.
68. Plenty of talent on display, but the whole does not jell.
69. Copies of the winning entry will be on display throughout the town and at Darlington Building Society.
70. There are perhaps two or three hundred uniforms on display, scarlet, blue, gold and white.
71. It is important that there are eye catching banners or posters on display that identify the school.
72. The vehicles will be on display back in the car park, where class and individual winners will be announced.
73. A set of collected photographs of Ansel Adams are on display in the museum.
74. A large number of constructed reliefs by other artists, both less well known and prominent, are also on display.
75. Go to the previews that have the items on display and talk to the specialists who are on hand to answer questions.
76. A man, discovered in the late 1970s, is also on display in the Qumul Museum.
77. However the main focus is on the Honours which are now on display in the Crown Room.
78. On display in recent months have been the best and the worst of the United States' legal system.
79. Other pictures of Earnhardt, Earnhardt racing caps, written tributes, stuffed animals and candles also were on display.
80. The scale and spirit of the iron creatures on display brought to mind one image: mechanical dinosaurs without skin.
81. We arrived on Flag Day, and this proud community put its colors on display.
82. On display are earrings, necklaces and bracelets made from lapis, carnelian turquoise, jade, amber and amethyst.
83. As Gottwald began to rot, less and less of the man seemed to be on display.
84. One room is a sparsely furnished office and showroom with eight caskets on display.
85. There's a tremendous amount of creativity on display in this school.
86. Rottweil's fine collections of medieval Swabian wood sculpture and Roman antiquities is now on display in the new Dominikanermuseum.
87. In the end,( display.html) seventeen different forms of motive power were on display along with a wide range of other railway related attractions.
88. I keep some of the toys on display in working order for my grandchildren to play with.
89. You'll even find a 28-foot-long tapeworm on display.
90. His great-uncle had a car on display too.
More similar words: displaydisputeplayplayerplayoffconditionconditionsplay withfair playcorresponding tosplitwhisperHispanicclaylay outbondlay offlay uplayerdelayblondlay downon dutysecondlay overend inhand inconductcondemnrespond
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